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Alexander Ernst Oskar John

Date of birth 07.11.1922

Place of birth Oelsnitz

Death/missing date 22.04.1944

Death/missing place Langenhagen

Service rank Unteroffizier

Alexander Ernst Oskar John is buried in the military cemetery in Meerane.

  • The personal details of the above mentioned are recorded in the memorial book for those missing or killed in Germany. You are welcome to place an order for the respective excerpt with us.
  • If Alexander Ernst Oskar John is related to you and you would like us to inform you about changes in the status, please fill out the following form.
  • Please check carefully beforehand on the basis of your documents whether it is really your relative. If you are not sure, please note this in the text field of the form.

Meerane, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Cemetery information

Unfortunately we do not have any detailed information about this cemetery. To change this, we would be happy to receive descriptive text about this cemetery (or its history and occupancy numbers) as well as photos and geocoordians. Please send your notes and materials to abteilung-kgs@volksbund.de.

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