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International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

Projects and Online Registration

Work for peace - das internationale Camp in Sandbostel

Germany: Multilateral projects in English



Our international camp is a colourful gathering for young people 16-22 years old. 'Work' in this context means attacking a project together with young people from all over Europe. With the help of archeologists and historians we will search for objects in the historical compound Sandbostel, which tell the story of the everyday lives of the prisoners of war interned there. Various work shops will explore current social topics and we can discuss where our tasks and responsibilities might lie in the Europe of today, for our encounter is intended as a signal for peace and solidarity: working against forgetting, and for a fair community.

Sport, music, camp fires and roaming the countryside, exploring the beach and enjoying water skiing or canoeing, trips to our Northern cities, and...; with youth from all over Europe. In the middle of the summer. With you!


The project is funded by the BMFSFJ (Federal Children and Youth Plan)


Appointment 15.07.2024 - 26.07.2024
Number of participants 15 to 20 Participants
Age of participants 16-24
Preliminary meeting Es werden virtuelle Vorbereitungstreffen angeboten, die Termine und die Anmeldung dazu werden rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben/Virtual preparation meetings are offered, the dates and registration will be announced in time
Route An-/Abreise nach/von Sandbostel in Eigenregie (Abholung am Bahnhof Bremervörde möglich)/Individual and independent arrival and departure to and from Sandbostel (pick-up at Bremervörde station possible).
Accommodation Gruppenunterkünfte in Jugendbildungsstätte Oese (Neu Oese 5, 27432 Basdahl-Oese); Vollverpflegung/group accomodation in Oese (Oese (Neu Oese 5, 27432 Basdahl-Oese), shared rooms; full board
Participation fee 200,00 € - für Tilnehmenden aus Deutschland
150,00 € - für Teilnehmende aus Mittel- und Osteuropa/ for participants from Central and Eastern Europe
Passport/Visa je nach Herkunftsland gültiger Personalausweis, Reisepass und/oder Visum/ depending on country of origin, a valid ID card, a passport or a visa are needed
Health regulations Die Teilnehmer:innen sind für die Einhaltung der gesundheitsrechtlichen Vorgaben selbst verantwortlich. Ein kostenloses Rücktrittsrecht ergibt sich bei Nichteinhaltung nicht. Impfung gegen Tetanus und FSME (Zecken) empfohlen./ The participants themselves are responsible for compliance with the health regulations. A right of withdrawal free of charge does not apply in case of non-compliance. Vaccination against tetanus and TBE (ticks) recommended.
Registration by 31.05.2024